Note: this is an archival copy of the Peabody Computer Music Website from June 2003. Click here to go to the current website.




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Thursday, 30 March 2000

Computer Music Thursday Noon Recital
Noon Friedberg

Computer Music presented its annual Thursday Noon recital on March 30. This concert featured award-winning compositions from the third and fifth Prix d'�t� composition competitions and a presentation of Peabody's involvement in the Times Square 2000 celebration.

Scanned program:

Pictures of the event
(click on a picture to view it at full size):
  Greg Boyle and Geoff Wright    Joseph Sarlo
  Elizabeth Johnson playing MIDI violin on The Rosy Ringers by Joseph Sarlo    Elizabeth Johnson
  Taehi Kim   

Computer Music  Peabody Institute  Johns Hopkins University

Peabody Conservatory Computer Music Department
1 E. Mount Vernon Place / Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 659-8100 ext.4440 /