Note: this is an archival copy of the Peabody Computer Music Website from June 2003. Click here to go to the current website.




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Saturday, 19 April 2003

00:00am Room 307C

24hc, the Twenty-four hour concert, is a concert, composed, rehearsed, and performed within a 24 hour period. Composers, are presented with a small ensemble, 2 to 3 musicians, for which they must compose a piece of music within 12 hours (the number of musicians and the individual musicians will be decided for each composer by drawing first a number and then names from a hat). Composers must produce in the 12 hour time period beginning with the ensemble drawing a fully notated composition specifically written for their randomly chosen ensemble. Once the 12 hour time period has passed, the compositions are handed to the ensembles who have 12 hours within which they can practice and prepare the compositions. At the end of the second 12 hour period, a concert will be held where all the compositions will be performed. (more...)

Computer Music  Peabody Institute  Johns Hopkins University

Peabody Conservatory Computer Music Department
1 E. Mount Vernon Place / Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 659-8100 ext.4440 /