Tuesday, 6 May 2003
Computer Music Department Concert
7:30pm |
Griswold Hall
440 |
J. Anthony Allen & Noah Keesecker |
J. Anthony Allen, Zach Crockett, Noah Keesecker, Scott Petersen, Asha Srivivasan, performers
Conversation |
Michael Mak |
Mei-Ching Huang, violin; Craig Sapp, koto
Rondo for Rodent and Computer |
Billy Reisinger |
Bob the Mouse, performer
Nature Futue Synthesis |
Paul Nelson |
Jesse Irons, Amanat Jetha, violines; Erik Klevjer, viola; Jeremy Lamb, violoncello
Russell Nadel |
Eric Beach, MalletKAT
Shadows |
Monida Tripp |
John Littlejohn; violin
Alone, Dancing |
Asha Srinivasan |
Chia-Jui Lee, flute
Museau de singe |
Robert Hamilton |
Jeremy Baguyos, contrabass; Chryssie Nanou, piano
Beats |
Ben Mason |
An audience member, heartbeat
Song of the Galley Slaves |
Christopher Gainey |
Elizabeth Stewart, soprano
Prikol no. 1 |
Ilya Mayzus |
Aman Jetha, violin; Chryssie Nanou, piano; Julian Pellicano, percussion
Computer Muzak Modular Interchanzheblique |
Scott Weiser and Matthew Frazao |
Scott Weiser and Matthew Frazao, computers
Virtual Fugue |
Jason Lovelace |
Jason Lovelace, MIDI keyboard
Ars Algorhythmica |
John Paul Young |
John Paul Young, didjeridu
Pictures of the event (click on a picture to view it at full size): |
 | | A/D converter for flex sensors used in 440 |
|  | | Concert setup in progress. (l to r): Paul Nelson, Scott Weiser, Greg Boyle |
 | | Matthew Frazao and Scott Weiser practicing their composition |
|  | | Noah Keesecker and Jason Allen putting on sensors for their piece |
 | | John Paul Young practicing the didjeridu |
|  | | Max/MSP patch for 440 |
 | | Concert setup with John Paul Young |
|  | | Noah Keesecker and Jason Allen practicing for 440 |
 | | Scott Petersen wired up for 440 |
|  | | Scott Petersen in a trance |
 | | Noah Keesecker and Jason Allen practicing 440 |
|  | | Max patch for Paul Nelson's piece |
 | | Koto setup for Michael Mak's composition, with mouse box in front |
|  | | Greg Boyle, master of ceremonies |
 | | Performers for 440 with masks on |
|  | | Paul Nelson's piece, with Jesse Irons putting on headphones for the clicktrack |
 | | Paul Nelson's piece for string quartet and clicktracks. |
|  | | Eric Beach playing the MalletKAT for Russel Nadel's composition |
 | | Chia-Jui Lee playing Asha Srinivasan's composition |
|  | | Museau de singe. (l to r) Nicholas Ong, Chryssie Nanou, Robert Hamilton and Jeremy Baguyos |
 | | Nicholas Ong and Chryssie Nanou playing Museau de singe. |
|  | | Greg Boyle and Ben Mason |
 | | Audience member providing the pulse tempo for Ben Mason's composition |
|  | | Julian Pellicano, percussion; Ilya Mayzus, computer |
 | | Chryssie Nanou and Aman Jetha during Ilya Mayzus's composition |
|  | | Ilya Mayzus |
 | | Julian Pellicano |
|  | | Scott Weiser and Matthew Frazao |
 | | John Paul Young |
| | | |
Photos by Craig Sapp |